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Cornwall Morganeering Copyright


21st - 27th May 2008


Ray & Jan Alderman Indigo Blue Roadster RA54MOG
Richard Barlow Connaught Green +4 S525NO
Tony & Marion Bullock Connaught Green +4 BX04CHV
Alan & Dawn Busby Connaught Green 4/4 931AGB
Simon & Rosemary Daunt Holland Cream +8 OND424
Steve & Jenny Elsey Jaguar Red +8 EU53KCY
Pete & Eve Hinson Connaught Green +8 ENP236S
Brian & Hazel Horne Silver/Blue +4 N836XNP
Bob & Deb Huntley Connaught Green Roadster X50MOG
Terry & Caroline Jones Connaught Green +8 M8TSJ
Kelvin & Tricia Knappitt Green 4/4 J11KAC
Simon & Lynne Morrison Corsa Red 4/4 E957LFX
Mick & Sue Piper Corsa Red 4/4 933NMP
Dudley & Cheryl Pusey Indigo Blue 4/4 V6MOG
David & Pat Waite Silver/Blue +8 987CSX
Rob & Lisa Westlake Black 4/4 M19ONE



Wednesday 21st May Overnight at Wolfscastle Hotel, Haverfordwest
Thursday 22nd May 11-30 a.m. ferry Fishguard - Rosslare
Drive to Gougane Barra Hotel
Friday 23rd May Glengarriff and Garinish Island
Saturday 24th

Bantry House & Bantry Bay
The Goat's Trail to Sheep's Head & Ahakista
Glengarriff for lunch

Sunday 25th May Beara Peninsula scenic run
Glengarriff and Castletownbere
Beara Peninsular to Dursey Head & Dursey Island
Eyeries and the Healy Pass back to Glengarriff
Monday 26th May Gougane Bara Hotel to Rosslare
Ferry to Fishguard
Overnight at Wolfscastle Hotel, Haverfordwest
Tuesday 27th May Monmouth & Brecon


Waiting to board the ferry at Fishguard



Gougane Barra Hotel



At The Gougane Barra Hotel




St Finbar's Church

Boat to Garinish Island

Eve, Sue Lisa and Lynne

Pete, Alan, Dawn, Sue and Eve

Garinish Island

View from Garinish Island

Bantry House





MacCarthy's Bar, Castletownbere


Heading for the Healy Pass

The Healy Pass, a great driver's road!